Like all successful schools, we are dependent on the contribution of parents. It is well known that parent involvement helps increase student achievement, and enhance a sense of community within a school. Through the PC, parents may engage in decisions relating to the organisation of the school, learning and other activities. Volunteering to become a Parent Representative allows parents to play an active role in their child's class activities, and through the PTA, parents can help with events, fund-raising and facilitate an active social environment.
Participation Council (PC)
By law every school in the Netherlands is linked with a Medezeggenschrapsraad (MR). This is a participation council, where elected teacher, parent and student representatives are consulted by the school management on various matters including policies, budgets and school-wide issues related to the management of the school. There are separate MR’s for the Primary and Secondary schools and a separate general participation council (GMR) for the Stichting Rijnlands Lyceum. MRs are regulated by the Dutch law 'wet medezeggenschap op scholen', which affords the MR two rights: the right of advice (adviesrecht) and the right of approval (instemmingrecht).
Parents, students and staff are welcome to bring their concerns to the attention of the PC via email, and the Council will decide if the issue should be raised with management. Parents are welcome to attend PC meetings as silent observers. The meeting minutes and dates of upcoming meetings are published on the PC pages in the Community Portal.
Parent Representatives
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
First and foremost, the aim of the PTA is to benefit the school community. Through the PTA, parents can have their voices heard, make contributions to the school and organise various activities for children and families to build our community, fundraise or just have fun.
PTA News
Our Multicultural Parents
Volunteers don't get paid, because they are PRICELESS! "