
Stichting Het Rijnlands Lyceum

ESH is part of the Rijnlands Lyceum Foundation. The Foundation stands for excellent education and supports its schools in realising the best education for its students. Please visit the Foundation website for more information on the mission and vision of the Rijnlands Lyceum and all articles of association, charters, disputes and complaints regulations.

rijnlands lyceum

European School The Hague

The Senior Management team is responsible for overseeing all school activities and operations.

  • Director: Mr Wouter Abrahamse
  • Head of School Primary: Ms Nicoline Mostert
  • Head of School Secondary: Ms Juliet Palmer
  • Head of Operations: Ms Fabienne Kramer

The Middle Management teams at each school implement and oversee the daily operations. Find out more about the management team members by clicking on their photos.