ESH Alumni Graduates

You might be thinking that Linkedin is a tool for older professionals with long established careers, but that stereotype couldn’t be more inaccurate. Linkedin is a great starting point for students who are keen to establish their professional reputation and begin their career. And as a graduating student, the best time to join is right now.

Fact: People will Google your name

Googling potential candidates is standard practice by university admissions officers, recruiters and employers, and the results of their search may impact their decision to hire you. Having a Linkedin account is an easy way to make sure that they like the results they find.

You can also use this method to find out more about the companies you’d like to work for. Searching for a company’s Linkedin page will reveal information about the culture of the company, and if anyone in your network already works there. You can also learn more about the people who will be interviewing you to ensure you are well-prepared.

Finding work

With many jobs advertised on Linkedin, it’s a great place to search for new opportunities. Most potential employers will still want a copy of your CV, but they’ll use your LinkedIn profile to get a better picture of your experience and skills - and even to see if you have any mutual connections. Some employers will ask you to use LinkedIn to apply for a position, so you need to have your LinkedIn profile ready to use!


Having a network of peers, teachers, colleagues and professional connections on Linkedin is the most beneficial feature of the platform. You never know when someone in your network might share an opportunity that launches your career! The wider your network – the more opportunities you will be exposed to. LinkedIn is the easiest way to establish your online presence so that people can easily connect with you after a networking event.

With graduation approaching, now is the time to create your Linkedin profile, and connect with your classmates and teachers. As you all take separate paths to university and beyond, you will already have an established network to support you on your journey.

And don’t forget to follow us, and list yourself as an ESH alum on Linkedin!

Visit the ESH Linkedin page
